This is the link to my xtranormal project!
The video i created discusses female gender roles in relation to status and marriage. Throughout history women have fought to to be noticed and recognized in society. However, stigma still exist and the media and various other forms of entertainment add to this narrow minded view. This technological era we live in also influences people to believe that women are still subordinate and are merely sexual object ready to be taken. Enjoy my xtranormal creation! thanks
Very good xtranormal video Natalie. I have to agree with your view on women's inferior role in society. Although the income gap has been closing in the past few decades, women still are still outnumbered in the workforce. I think in the next generation or two we will eventually see those gaps between men and women grow smaller and smaller as women have higher rates of graduation from college than men. Furthermore, an interesting topic found in some of our recent readings indicate that women exert the same amount of effort in the workforce as men, but they tend to work harder in a typical day than men because they are assigned to take care of the kids when they get out of work. I've been told that behind every great man there is an even greater women!